Naa Achoi
What does life as a woman or girl look like in your country/city/town/village? Any issues/challenges/milestones?
It's like defeat. A bitter defeat where, you know, they let you think you have finally got freedom but it's controlled by the customs we have and the desire for male dominance. They keep the bonuses and possibilities from you alone but not others so you won't strive for what they want and cry discrimination. And in my family when I start to feel equal, I am shut down by my father and constantly reminded that because of my gender, certain things are specially expected of me, and when I dream, I am told it will take me nowhere in life.
What would you like the world to know about YOU? What life experience, challenge or achievement do you want to share?
I've struggled with ulcer over the years, learnt to control it but it means I must control my actions, emotions and thoughts. I am proud though, of how far I've come. I took some opportunities and I got my awards and certificates and I am in university now.
What are you most passionate about and what are you doing with that passion?
Writing. I am in love with writing. Everything art is lovely, from music, to paintings to languages, culture etc. But my one passion is writing. I am currently banned from writing but I want to use it to help people be happy and also know more about others and the world.
How have the women and girls around you helped you to get to where you are today?
Yes. My boss at the company I'm currently interning at. She takes care of me like a mother, encourages and tries hard to teach me and make me become a better person despite my struggles.
Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today, is to be..."
An embodiment of love and strength.