

What does life as a woman or girl look like in your part of the world? What roles do women play in your society?

Where I come from, women are brought up as homemakers. We're taught to cook, clean, and obey our husbands and accept their excesses. Nowadays though a lot has changed. Women from my part of the world are learning to stand up, to speak up for themselves and what is right (I guess we have feminism to thank for that). It's getting better and I know this is just the beginning.

What do you think is the most significant barrier to women empowerment and/or gender equality today?

I would say the most significant barrier to woman empowerment and gender equality today is WOMEN. I don't know if it makes sense to you, but it's true.

OK, tell us all about yourself. Who are YOU & what should the world know about you?

My name is Ihuoma Chukwuezi and I'm from Imo state, Nigeria. I'm a student and I run a business (That Beauty Shop) on the side. Being a Nigerian student is hard enough as it is, but being a Nigerian student trying to grow her business into a million-dollar business is not easy at all. Shuffling between classes and trying to meet up with deadlines for both school and business is stuff meant for the strong-hearted.

Describe yourself in one word: "I am... real. I'm a goal-getter. Sometimes I fall short of my expectations, but I'm not one to easily give up. The definition of ME in three words... I AM REMARKABLE!

What are you most passionate about and what are you doing with that passion?

I'm really passionate about all things beauty and fashion. There's just this feeling of fulfillment I get when I see the smile on my client or customer's face after a really amazing transformation. I have this dream of being a brand ambassador for fashion and beauty companies. I want to someday be able to give women that confidence that they get to define their own meaning of the word beautiful. It would mean a lot to me if fashion and beauty countries in Nigeria, Africa and other parts of the world can give me a chance. I have a long way to go, I know it. But hey! I'm doing something.

What are some of the most notable events (milestones) that have happened in your life to date?

The number one, so far, was starting my business. I came from humble beginnings so starting my business was war, I had to start from scratch. Maybe someday I'll tell that story. Another milestone will be my graduation (still waiting for that one, let's keep our fingers crossed).

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

Time is my number one obstacle. Having classes 8 am - 6 pm every day, doesn't leave a lot of time for my business. I'm trying to make it work using effective time management (still getting a hang of it). Another obstacle I've had is financial, I actually don't know if it's an even higher obstacle than time LOL.

Looking externally into the public sphere, what female public figure inspires you the most to achieve your dreams & why?

I can't give the credit to only one female actually... I've been surrounded by strong women since birth. My number one inspiration is my mom who I want to give a better life than the one she has now. She always tells me "Oma, you'll go through this and come out a superwoman". Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who inspires me through her stories of strong women that fought and pulled through at the end. Obis Ora, who shows me that you can still slay while killin' it in your business and personal life. Tricia Biz, who is my number one business guru and her business school has impacted so much in my life. There are lots of other women who have taught me strength in their own way. There are too many to count.

What's your definition of success?

Genuine Happiness, Fulfillment, Peace of mind and Prosperity.

How have the women and girls around you helped you to get to where you are today?

By being themselves, by being unique, and in their own special way, they are still breaking new grounds. And because I see tons of women rising from the ashes, I know I can too. After all, if they did it, I know I can!

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today, is to be..."

Strong and focused on your ambitions, loving in your touch, and quick to forgive and ignore any venom thrown in our path. Remember that we're like the vessels that will carry and nurture the generations to come.

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