Omobolanle Hassan


Hi! I am Omobolanle Hassan, Founder of Woofline Pets.

I'm a very passionate, self-driven and result-oriented individual who likes to try new things and take on new challenges. At different points in my life, I have explored learning Fine Art, swimming, and the French language.

I have an educational background in Basic Medical Health (Human Anatomy), after which I studied Business Administration and then went on to get a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing. I have had the opportunity to develop a career in digital marketing having worked at an e-commerce start-up, an ad agency, and a Fin-tech organization.

My professional skills as a digital marketer have had a huge impact on the growth of Woofline Pets. I have been able to handle a lot of tasks that I would have had to outsource by myself, this has helped to drive down on the business spend a great deal.


Company Name: Woofline Pets

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Operating since: 2019

Company Website:

Instagram & Twitter: @woofline_pets

Tell us all about your company. What services do you offer?

Woofline Pets is a hub created for pet lovers in Nigeria and all over; who are interested in connecting with other pet lovers, learning more about animals and looking for a means of providing better care for their pets.

We offer three things:

  1. The Woofline Pets Community, which provides the opportunity for pet lovers to connect and interact for mutually beneficial purposes.

  2. The Woofline Shop, which allows pet owners/lovers to shop for their pets and themselves.

  3. Finally, the Woofline blog, which is where pet lovers can get information about all things pets.

How did you get the idea or concept for your company? What was your mission at the outset? Was there anything in particular that inspired you to start at the time you did?

Woofline Pets was born out of a passion for dogs specifically and pets in general. I have loved dogs for as long as I can remember. With this at heart, 2 years ago, I set out to create a platform that could help create awareness about animal care, as well as to help dog lovers in Nigeria have easy access to important information they might need. It was initially meant to be just a blog, but as time went by our readers reached out to us inquiring about where and how they could get certain pet services, this gave me the idea to create a platform where pet lovers/owners (not just dog owners) would have the opportunity to connect with themselves for mutually beneficial purposes.

What is the biggest obstacle you've had to overcome?

Funding has been my biggest challenge so far. Having to balance out the growth rate necessary for the business while not going overboard with budget. Also, the business is totally self-funded. I have had to work a 9-5 during the day and then work on Woofline Pets at night at different points in time to raise necessary funds.

What's your definition of success? Do you consider yourself a success?

I believe success is relative to each individual. For me, success is being able to follow through and achieve small milestones/goals that you have set for yourself, which may or may not lead you to the attainment of your greater vision. A quote by Earl Nightingale explains my point of view better: “Success is really nothing more than the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This means that any person who knows what they are doing and where they are going is a success. Any person with a goal towards which they are working is a successful person.”

I do consider myself successful.

What are some of your future plans? Are you working on anything else right now?

My team and I are currently working on developing a mobile application, which we think will greatly improve the experience of our users.

What advice would you give to a woman starting out in your industry or starting her own company/organization?

Brace yourself for the challenges to come, believe in your vision, and finally, stay consistent.

Describe yourself in ONE word. Interesting

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today is..." Magic

If you loved reading about Omobolanle Hassan and want to connect/follow her personally, you can follow her on LinkedIn and on Instagram at @omobolanlehassan.